- Mouritsen, Ole G.: Sushi: Food for the Eye, the Body & the Soul
Springer; New York
1st English ed., 2009, 360pp, 429 illus., 397 in color., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-4419-0617-5
At the over-matured sushi
the Master
is full of regret
- Matsuo Bashō (1644-1694)
Reviews on Danish edition (2006)
Selected book reviews
Nok den mest facetterede, dybdeborende og vidtfavnende bog, der er skrevet om sushi. Et sushimæssigt hovedværk.
[Possibly the most facetted, penetrating, and comprehensive book ever written about sushi. A principal work on sushi] Ole Troelsø in Børsen
.Der findes ikke lignende bøger om japansk madkultur af en dansk forfatter.
[There is no similar book about Japanese cuisine written by a Danish author]
Nanna Kristensen in Mad & Venner
Danmark har fået den definitive sushi-bibel. Mesterværk.
[Denmark has gotten its ultimate sushi bible. A masterpiece]
Kristian Ditlev Jensen in Politiken
5 stjerner. En grundig gastronomisk bog af varig værdi.
[5 stars. A thorough gastronomical book of lasting value]
Niels Lillelund in Jyllandsposten
Årets bog.
[Book of the year]
5 stjerner.
[5 stars]
Berlingske Tidende
Æstetisk er bogen en nydelse.
[The book is an aesthetic pleasure]
Charlotte Pedersen in Fyens Stiftstidende
Helsebibel indsvøbt i friske sushiopskrifter og fotografier, som kan få selv den største fiskefornægters tænder til at løbe i vand.
[Health bible wrapped in fresh sushi recipes and illustrations that will water the mouth of even the most fanatic fish denier]
Andrea Bisgaard in Nyhedsavisen
Mest omfattende danske bog om emnet.
[Most comprehensive Danish book about the subject]
Else Marie Nygaard in Kristeligt Dagblad
Et ton af viden om sushi.
[A ton of knowledge about sushi]
Tine Tholander in 24timer
En hyldest til den rå fisk.
[Homage to the raw fish]
Katrine Irminger Sonne in Urban
Other mention in the Danish press
Interview on national TV channel DR2 Deadline
Reviewed on national radio channel DR1 (Kjeld Koplev)
Subject of 30 min book program on TV channel DK4 (Books in the real world)
Interview on national TV channel DR1 (Good evening Denmark)
Subject of 10 min live food program on local TV channel TV2Fyn
Interview on national TV channel DR2 (Science program Viden Om)
Mentioned in numerous interviews and columns in national newspapers and magazines in the context of health and nutrition
Mentioned in several national campaigns on fish consumption